More about gates: "The Black and White Gate"
Angeles Arrien writes, "At the Black and White Gate, we review and reassess our conduct in the art and craft of relationships. This gate requires that we face the history of all our relationships: with ourselves, friends, colleagues, and family members, as well as organizations, teams, and communities. Here we are reminded of our purpose as human beings --a miraculous species born to learn about love and to create. Any relationship can function as a conduit for both manifesting creativity and mirroring to us the extent of our ability to express love...We begin to release our reliance on fear or pride to protect us. We recognize in our later years that the only way to come home to our spiritual nature is to express our love nature." We are at that point in a wanderer's path where we know the time for moving is upon us. When that itch to move was fed mostly by the itch, a restlessness, with less history with needing to (we outstayed our welcome, couldn't toler...